This game is in desenvolviment and have some lags. This game is only for 2 player, but in the future, we will do more tipes of game for example, single player, multiplayer, 4 vs 4 , online and more!

    The game is a ping pong  that i made with some caracters that remember a little bit with the mii( caracters that you create on wii),

     To the player 1(player at the right) move,  ⬆= up and ⬇ = down, and to the player 2 ( player at the left) move, w = up and s  = down.

      The game ends  when one player wins 10 points                                                  REMEMBER, THE GAME IS IN DESENVOLVIMENT AND HAVE SOME LAGS ON THE FUTURE THE GAME WILL BE BETTER.

By: fefs

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